35 SaaS Landing Page Building Tips from Experts (2024)

Read a curated list of the best landing page tips for SaaS products with examples from landing page experts, copywriters, and SaaS Founders to grow your SaaS.

35 SaaS Landing Page Building Tips from Experts (2024)
We curated the best high-converting SaaS landing page tips from experts. Letโ€™s go!
Note: SaaSwrites is a curated growth marketing hub and resource built to help SaaS founders grow their products. We sincerely thank all our experts for their constant value addition to this world.

1. Know the structure

George Ten writes
  • Hook - reel them in โ€ข Lead - create desire โ€ข Body copy - handle objections โ€ข Offer - what you sell โ€ข Bonuses - sweeten the deal โ€ข Guarantee - risk reversal
Play with the order.

2. Weave features with benefits.

Features tell visitors what/how. Benefits tell them why. What root issue is your product solving? Write that as your headline. Example: @KennethCassel 's Slip.
Have features with benefits on your SaaS landing page.
Have features with benefits on your SaaS landing page.

3. Questions drive action

Ask your visitors a compelling question that pushes attention to your CTA.
"Don't think you can make your pages look this good?" The reader can't help but click to find out more. Example: @unbounce
Ask questions to drive action on your SaaS landing page.
Ask questions to drive action on your SaaS landing page.

4. Write a "how it works" section

In three simple steps describe what users can do with your product and how it will improve their life. Example: @PaulYacoubian/@chris__lu with @copy_ai
Write a how it works section on your SaaS landing page.
Write a how it works section on your SaaS landing page.

5. Problem, agitate, solution.

Address the main problem your visitors have. Agitate it with a short statement. Then serve your product as the ideal solution. Example:@damengchen's Testimonial.
Use the problem, agitate, solution formula on your SaaS landing page,
Use the problem, agitate, solution formula on your SaaS landing page,

6. Reduce friction with data

Consideration spans are short. Use numbers to show ease of adoption: 10 minutes, zero code, done. Example: @matthlavacka's JobBoardSheet
Add data to support your SaaS landing page.
Add data to support your SaaS landing page.

7. Showcase demand with your copy

Tell visitors how great your product is with real user statistics like recent signups, not jargon or buzzwords. Example: @SoapBoxHQ
Show demand on your SaaS landing page.
Show demand on your SaaS landing page.

8. Replace buzzwords

Cut words like supercharge, unleash, unlock. Instead, use phrases like improve solve, or better yet, actual results and data. Example:@harrydry
Remove buzzwords and use simple words on your SaaS landing page.
Remove buzzwords and use simple words on your SaaS landing page.

9. Be clever AND clear

Utilize puns or a play on words without sacrificing clarity. Simple yet witty copy sparks interest to keep scrolling. Example: @KaterinaMarkov's @ritual
Be clever, but clear on your SaaS landing page.
Be clever, but clear on your SaaS landing page.

10. Hook, then explain.

Grab attention with a benefit-rich statement. Then, explain how your product gets the visitor there with ease.
This is what drives signups. Example: @kevinyun's @GrowSurf
Hook your audience, then explain on your SaaS landing page.
Hook your audience, then explain on your SaaS landing page.

11. CTA button copywriting

Your CTA button shouldn't say "get started." It should tell users the exact step they are about to take to produce action and commitment.
What happens when they click? Write that. Example:@buymeacoffee
Write a powerful CTA on your SaaS landing page.
Write a powerful CTA on your SaaS landing page.

12. Product GIFs are your best friend.

If you have a SaaS or DTC product, show. Don't tell.
Give us action shots.

13. Make the H1 count.

Your H1 is the first (and most prominent) element we see right away.
That first line of text is the difference between hooking them and losing them.
Make your H1 count on SaaS landing page.
Make your H1 count on SaaS landing page.

14. Be clear.

Those great puns you thought about for your headers? They probably won't convert well. Keep it super simple. Example:@veedstudio
Be clear in your SaaS landing page.
Be clear in your SaaS landing page.

15. Inject social proof in your copy.

Social proof isn't just logos. Find ways to showcase your success in the page copy. Example:@ActiveCampaign
Add social proof on your SaaS landing page.
Add social proof on your SaaS landing page.

16. Only use imagery that moves the story along.

If your product only needs words to describe it, don't use imagery "just because." Imagery should improve understanding. Example:@wynter_com
Add image that adds to the story on your SaaS landing page.
Add image that adds to the story on your SaaS landing page.

17. Increase site speed ASAP.

Speed can make or break a web experience.
Use Pagespeed Insights to find opportunities for your site.

18. Video social proof wins.

Testimonials are good. Video testimonials are next-level. They up your credibility and boost buyer confidence. Example: http://testimonial.to
Add video testimonials on your SaaS landing page.
Add video testimonials on your SaaS landing page.

19. Make it about the user.

Don't talk about the brand. Talk about the user. Make the whole page copy and design cater to them. Example: @whereby
Make your SaaS landing page about the user.
Make your SaaS landing page about the user.

20. 1 CTA only (if possible.)

Limit CTAs to the bare minimum. The more actions you invite others to take, the fewer actions they will take. Example: @gumroad
Have only 1 CTA on your SaaS landing page.
Have only 1 CTA on your SaaS landing page.

21. Make it interactive.

Interactive elements work wonders. Use the features of your app in the design of the page to increase understanding. Example:@JoinToucan
Make your SaaS landing page interactive!
Make your SaaS landing page interactive!

22. Keep the home page focused.

Your home page is NOT your โ€œeverythingโ€ page. You shouldn't have all features, blogs, white papers, etc. on the home page. Example: @figma

23. Keep the overall design simple.

Extra elements distract from the core purpose. The more you have on a page, the harder it is to maintain focus. Example: @NotionHQ
Keep simple designs on your SaaS landing page.
Keep simple designs on your SaaS landing page.

24. No buzzwords, just value props.

Avoid fluffy buzzwords. Get to the point. Explain the benefits early, often, and clearly. Example:@mailbrew
Avoid buzzwords on your SaaS landing page.
Avoid buzzwords on your SaaS landing page.

25. Create an ideal above the fold (ATF.)

Menu, H1, Subheader, Button, and a tiny bit of social proof should all fit above the fold. Example:@CleanShot
Structure your Above the Fold (ATF) properly on your SaaS landing page.
Structure your Above the Fold (ATF) properly on your SaaS landing page.

26. CTAs should do exactly what they say.

Don't get cute or clever with button copy. Don't be vague. Tell people exactly what happens when they click it. Example:@super_
Your SaaS landing page CTA should do exactly what it says.
Your SaaS landing page CTA should do exactly what it says.

27. Make your pricing easily accessible.

Don't hide pricing. Put it on a pricing page or the home page. Don't make people waste their time looking for the valuable info. Example:@TallyForms
Make your pricing easily accessible.
Make your pricing easily accessible.
Logan shares 7 Persuasion Tips That Sell.

28. Make Them Belong

Ask them to โ€œjoinโ€ or โ€œbecome a memberโ€
Building a community that you can show off through numbers and stats will get you more sales alone.
โ€œJoin 7,960 other attractive people who receive updatesโ€

29. Make it Exclusive

People want to feel like theyโ€™re getting in on something.
Something that others donโ€™t have access to.
Get them excited to join, signup, or buy because of the deals theyโ€™re getting.
โ€œGet exclusive inside deals when you become a memberโ€

30. Prove Your Value

Show your audience how you compare to the competition.
People want to know that theyโ€™re getting a good deal.
You should be answering this question for them:
โ€œWhy should I buy from you right now instead of looking at other companies?โ€

31. Establish Authority

Show you know what youโ€™re talking about.
Whether itโ€™s through:
  • experienced employees
  • highly trained staff
  • company history
Numbers and other statistics always work well here.
โ€œ2035 happy customers and over 9000 landing pages madeโ€

32. A Unique Selling Point

Why should they buy from you?
Sure, you have the stats and experience to back it up, but whatโ€™s unique?
Your product/service needs to be unique.
Two good examples:
  • Volkswagen: โ€œGerman Engineeringโ€
  • Maserati: โ€œLuxury and style in exclusive carsโ€

33. Add Scarcity/Urgency

Nothing sells like a deadline.
  • Urgency: having only a certain amount of time the deal is available โ€œThis limited time offer is only available through Monday!โ€
  • Scarcity: having only a certain amount of spots/products available โ€œThereโ€™s only 2 spots leftโ€

34. A Money Back Guarantee

By doing this youโ€™re eliminating all risk for the customer. Now they have no reason not to buy. If it doesnโ€™t work they donโ€™t pay!
Itโ€™s always worth it to offer.
โ€œIf you donโ€™t get results in 30 days weโ€™ll give you your money back. No questions asked.โ€

35. Delight with micro-interactions.

Those subtle animations can make the experience of browsing a site more pleasant. It can put the user in a better mood and make them feel happier than before.

Written by

Qayyum Rajan
Qayyum Rajan

Qayyum (โ€Qโ€) is a serial builder with more than 5 startups to his name with 3 exits. He specializes in shipping products fast, and early with an focus on driving traffic across the marketing funnels

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