How Copywriting can help your SaaS?

We discuss how you can apply copywriting for your SaaS growth, its benefits, and how useful and practical applying copywriting is for SaaS founders.

How Copywriting can help your SaaS?
Note: SaaSwrites is a curated growth marketing hub and resource built to help SaaS founders grow their products. We sincerely thank all our experts for their constant value addition to this world.

What is Copywriting?

The Bible of Copywriting:
The Adweek Copywriting Handbook.
Back in 2007, legendary copywriter Joe Sugarman distilled his 40 years of advertising wisdom into 293 pages.
And inside he shared his 7-step process for writing effortless, high-converting copy.
Here's the breakdown:
If you've never heard of Sugarman - the dude is a legend.
His most famous ad: selling BluBlocker sunglasses - over 100,000 pairs of them from a single ad!
(Link to the book and the ad at the bottom of the thread - both absolute must-reads)
Now let's dive into his process:
Step #1: Become an expert on the product or service you are selling.
Sounds obvious - right?
But 99% of people get this first step wrong.
They learn the ins and outs of what the product does
And they go on to list these features thinking that is what the customer wants.
But realize this - you aren't selling a product!
You're selling an outcome.
Because people do not care what your product does
They care what it does for them
So understand clearly:
  • The problem you are solving • The benefits you are unlocking
Bad copywriting:
  • Here's my product • Here's what it does • Here's what's so good about it
Good copywriting:
  • Here's your problem • Here's the benefit of solving it • Here's why what you've tried has failed • And by the way here's a product that will help you solve it

Bad Marketing Copy:
  • This is what I do
  • This is what it does
  • This is why it's cool
Good Marketing Copy:
  • This is what you're facing
  • This is how I can help you solve that
  • This is what differentiates me
  • This is why this product is right for you
  • This is my promise
Step #2: Know your prospect in and out.
The key to writing compelling copy:
  1. Define your ideal customer
  1. Write directly to them
So understand:
  • Their problem • Why it's a problem • What they've tried in the past • What happens if you solve it
I answer 5 questions before I write anything:
  • What problem am I solving? • Whose problem am I solving? • What emotion am I creating? • What action am I encouraging? • What benefit am I unlocking?
The goal is specificity.
And I call it Pinpoint Writing
Step #3: Write your headline and first sentence.
The goal of your headline: get the reader to read the first sentence.
The goal of your first sentence: get the reader to read the second sentence.
And chances are you're not spending enough time on these two.
Because as a writer, you're competing for attention with Netflix and TikTok.
It does not matter how good your content is if no one reads it
And to get them to read it, you have to hook their attention.
So study the art of writing headlines:
Step #4: Write the copy
And Sugarman's best advice - do it quickly.
Write your first draft fast and furious with no editing.
No judgment, no capitalization, no overthinking.
Rip out your backspace key and let words flow onto the page.
Get all the raw material out there.
Step #5: Edit the copy
When writing, you ripped out your backspace button.
When editing, put it back and rip out everything else.
Get your point across using:
  • Simple language • As few words as possible
Here's a quick banned words list to start:
Quick list of words to ban:
  • just • that • very • really • literally • actually • certainly • probably • basically
Other words to replace:
  • utilizes → uses • in order to → to • facilitates → helps • whether or not → whether • due to the fact that → because
Step #6: Incubate the copy
The last two steps are the most important (and most overlooked).
You need to let your words breathe - for at least 24 hours.
Bonus points for waiting even longer.
This lets you reset your perspective.
And that's what the last step is all about:
Step #7: Take one final look at your copy
Now to do this, you need to change two things:
  • The medium • The reading environment
Here's what I mean:
If you wrote your original piece at your desk on your computer:
Read it one more time from your phone on the couch.
This change in perspective will shock you.
You'll catch mistakes and come up with several ideas for improvement.
(I was skeptical at first too, but try it!)

Why do you need Copywriting?

Basically everywhere you write a word. An email, a Facebook post, a Tweet, etc.
Here’s the cool part…
When you understand influence and persuasion through copywriting, it can help you in all areas of your life. It can help you persuade someone in a personal letter. It can help you get a job by creating a better resume and cover letter.
It can make things happen in your community or beyond if you have a cause that you want to generate action on. (fundraisers, political campaigns, letters to the neighbor who keeps letting his dog? on your nice green lawn!)
At times, understanding how to use copywriting can make you feel like a superhero because it can stir action in people that otherwise wouldn’t get stirred. Pretty cool right?

How can Copywriting help your SaaS or business?

Here are just a few of the areas where you’ll be able to use copywriting in your business online…
  • Social Media posts
  • Emails Online Ads
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Capture Pages
  • Sales Pages
  • Blog Posts (yup!)
  • Articles (yup!)
  • Wherever you write a dang word! (sorry!)

Written by

Qayyum Rajan
Qayyum Rajan

Qayyum (”Q”) is a serial builder with more than 5 startups to his name with 3 exits. He specializes in shipping products fast, and early with an focus on driving traffic across the marketing funnels

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