How to craft the perfect Above-the-Fold Hero Section for your SaaS landing page

We discuss how to create an above-the-fold hero section of your SaaS landing page from copywriting experts and SaaS founders.

How to craft the perfect Above-the-Fold Hero Section for your SaaS landing page
Your above-the-fold is what drives your users to conversion! The average user spends half a minute on your website. Quickly help your visitor with all your key information in the above-the-fold section of your landing page.
Note: SaaSwrites is a curated growth marketing hub and resource built to help SaaS founders grow their products. We sincerely thank all our experts for their constant value addition to this world.
Your landing page needs to QUICKLY tell your visitor in the above-the-fold hero section:
  1. Who you help
  1. What you help your users achieve
  1. How you're going to help your users achieve it
Bonus point for telling who you don't help!

The structure of your hero above-the-fold section is what makes or breaks your landing page

Alex Garcia shares 5 elements of an above-the-fold that will increase your conversion rate:
80% of your website visitors will never make it past your headline.
After working on 300+ landing pages I put together a blueprint for you to optimize yours.
The Anatomy Of An Above The Fold That Earns The Scroll comes in five parts:
The 5 part structure of your above-the-fold hero section of the SaaS landing page.
The 5 part structure of your above-the-fold hero section of the SaaS landing page.
  1. Headline - Big, Bold Idea
  1. Subheadline - Supports your H1 and introduces your product
  1. Creative - Product photo, GIF, or video
  1. Social proof - Supports your claims
  1. CTA - Drives action
Let’s cover them in detail:

1. Nail your above-the-fold hero section headline

It starts with writing engaging headlines.
Because naturally, we’re scanners.
This results in 80% of website visitors only reading your headlines.
So, when they read them — you need to hook them.
Here are 4 formulas you can use to write engaging headlines:
Formula #1 = Specificity (Big Idea) x Hook (Your Magic Sauce)
A hero section that applies the Specificity * Hook formula
A hero section that applies the Specificity * Hook formula
Formula #2 = Pain Point x Desire = Ask Question
A hero above-the-fold section that applies the paint point * desire formula
A hero above-the-fold section that applies the paint point * desire formula
Formula #3 = Value x Objection
A hero section that applies the value * objection formula
A hero section that applies the value * objection formula
Formula #4 = Value Creation x What It Is
A hero section that applies the value creation * What it is formula
A hero section that applies the value creation * What it is formula

2. Write a Sub Headline That Fuels Your headline

Your sub-headlines goal is to explain, educate, or introduce how you make your headline a reality.
Because the best sub-headlines do two things:
  1. Explain how the value is created
  1. How the process/product works
Here is an example:
A hero section with a sub-headline that explains how value is created * how the process/product works
A hero section with a sub-headline that explains how value is created * how the process/product works

3. Use Your Creative To Spark The Consumers’ Imagination

Your creative:
  1. Paints the picture
  1. Brings your words to life
  1. Creates an expectation
  1. Don't just tell someone what you do, show them what you do.
Example: Maven
How your creative in the above the fold hero section shows them what your SaaS product does
How your creative in the above the fold hero section shows them what your SaaS product does

4. Use Social Proof To Build Credibility

Consumers want to feel confident in their decision to trust you.
So, by using social proof -- you back your claim. It adds credibility. Instills confidence. And supports the value creation you promise!
Example: MicroAcquire & Hot Jar
MicroAcquire adds social proof to back its claim on the above-the-fold hero section.
MicroAcquire adds social proof to back its claim on the above-the-fold hero section.

5. Get The Customer To Take Action

Your Call-To-Action serves as the bridge to the next step.
And if you want the consumer to feel convicted when they tap your call to action then remind them of the value on the other side of their decision.
Example: Gumroad
Gumroad’s CTA on the above the fold hero section drives the users to take action!
Gumroad’s CTA on the above the fold hero section drives the users to take action!

Case Studies of successful above-the-fold hero sections in landing pages

  1. Logan shares an interesting hero section of a course.
This very intriguing background has popping colors and custom pictures. Both draw your attention rather quickly.
The headline is captivating and makes you want to read more. Especially in a time where more and more people are looking for remote jobs.
notion image
You’ll notice two things important things above the fold here: Navigation and social proof.
Navigation does NOT include any off-page sites. It’s all on the current page. This is VITAL.
Then a list of famous companies that have written about them proves their authority.
Social proof above the fold is a great way to start building trust.
The only reason they didn’t put the number of reviews they have on the course here is that they haven’t mentioned a course.
Their focus is solely on intriguing the reader with benefits… not the features.

2. Here is why is this hero section successful
  • Simple clear messaging
  • Shows the product
  • Single CTA
  • Concise description of what the product does
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3. How you can improve sales on your landing page by building trust in the first three seconds
Instantly establish social proof and authority, create better copy and sub headlines explaining the page and place it above the fold.
notion image

Written by

Qayyum Rajan
Qayyum Rajan

Qayyum (”Q”) is a serial builder with more than 5 startups to his name with 3 exits. He specializes in shipping products fast, and early with an focus on driving traffic across the marketing funnels

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