17 CTA Tips for SaaS from Experts to Guarantee your Conversion (2023)

17 CTA Tips for SaaS from Experts to Guarantee your Conversion (2023)

We curated the best CTA tips for SaaS from experts to guarantee your conversion. Letโ€™s go!
Note: SaaSwrites is a curated growth marketing hub and resource built to help SaaS founders grow their products. We sincerely thank all our experts for their constant value addition to this world.

Use a CTA Write a killer call-to-action (CTA): Great copywriting starts with persuading the reader.. And ends with the reader taking action. Don't just use any generic CTA. ~ Zain Khan

1. V-V-U formula

Verb, value, urgency.
Verb โ†’ get Value โ†’ graded Urgency โ†’ today
Example: @WordStream
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2. Minimize risk and effort

Surround your CTA with risk-minimizing statements. No credit card needed. Unlimited access. 70+ tools. Don't give users a reason to second guess.
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3. Create desire

Exclusivity, new, and FOMO are powerful ways to drive action and interest.
Use "request access" or "join waitlist" or "notify me."
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4. Click-result formula

Tell people what will happen if they click: "View Listings" takes you directly to a listings page.
Where are users directed after clicking? Write that.
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5. Use design to direct action

Design elements like arrows tell visitors exactly where they should focus attention and encourage a natural flow from headline to CTA.
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6. Social proof reduces hesitancy

Next to your CTA, include social proof to remove any doubts. Instead of second guessing, social proof tells users they won't regret signing up.
@BorisTane โ€˜s Bkmark
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7. First-person phrasing

Instead of using "your," use first-person phrasing like "me." This directly involves the user and helps them commit to clicking your CTA.
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8. Eliminate friction words

Friction words: sign up, submit, invest, get started.
These all imply more steps. More steps = more time to second guess. Seamlessly flow users into your offer without the notion of added time and effort.
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9. Instant gratification

Instant gratification is a motivating factor. Great CTAs use this psychological factor via words like "see it on your site" to imply fast solutions.
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10. Be true to your brand

Let your brand personality shine in your CTA. Consistency of your brand tone and voice should maintain through your call to action.
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CTA could also mean potential CSS shifts for solo founders and indie founders.
Jim Raptis provides a simple tutorial on CSS aspect for the CTA.
Let's start with this simple button.
โš ๏ธ Disclaimer: You can build a decent business with the exact same button. But if you want to WOW your users, follow the next tips to make your CTA stand out...
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11. Add Padding

Saying it again (without feeling any guilt):
"Whitespace is your best design pal."
๐Ÿ’กRule of thumb:
Set the horizontal padding equal to x2 the vertical one.
You can always use other formulas but that's a quick way to make it look visually nice.
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12. Use rounded corners

This advice is optional and depends on your overall UI style.
๐Ÿ’กRule of thumb:
  • Rounded corners are for modern & playful UIs โ€ข Sharp corners are for "serious" & luxury products
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13. Capitalize Your Copies

Capital letters/words emphasize your message. Use it for the content that your users can't afford to lose.
Also, users SPEND MORE TIME reading uppercase text.
๐Ÿ’กRule of thumb:
  • Uppercase: for SHORT COPY โ€ข Capitalize: for Larger Copies
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14. Add Gradient For More Emphasis

Gradients make bold statements! That's why designers choose gradient backgrounds for their CTA buttons.
To make them stand out, even more!
๐Ÿ’กRule of Thumb:
Use my free tool to create a decent gradient in a few clicks
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15. Use Shadows

Shadows show elevation and emulate the real 3D world.
They make your button look like it's floating on a higher level upon all the other elements. It prompts you to click it!
๐Ÿ’กRule of thumb:
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Read: 7 copy hacks

16. Add an Outline

It's optional but you can add a solid outline to upgrade your button's aesthetics.
๐ŸคฏPro tips:
  • Add opacity to the border (10%-30%) โ€ข Use a gradient color for the outline
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17. Use Icons

Icons help users visually identify the button's purpose with a quick glance.
Two ways to use them:
  • Describe the action with an icon โ€ข Show action with an arrow or chevron icon
๐ŸคฏPro tip:
Align it to the right to keep the button's text centered.
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