113+ SaaS Copywriting Tips from Experts (2023)

113+ SaaS Copywriting Tips from Experts (2023)

We curated the best SaaS copywriting tips from experts. Let’s GO!
Note: SaaSwrites is a curated growth marketing hub and resource built to help SaaS founders grow their products. We sincerely thank all our experts for their constant value addition to this world.

1. Use Short Sentences

Keep your sentences, Kevin Hart short.
Amazon says under 30 words.
I’d say to keep them under 15 words.
This keeps them clear and concise with an emphasis on clarity.

2. Cut Common Phrases

Cut the overused common phrases that are on everybody’s landing page. Instead, obsess over clarity. Respect the consumer’s time. Concise copy leads to concise decision-making

3. Replace Adjectives With Data

Numbers are eye candy and they organize info into a logical order.

4. Eliminate Weasel Words

Weasel words kill sentences. They're vague. Boring and weak. Weak words result in weak emotions. Weak emotions don’t lead to action.

5. Use The "So-What" Test

Re-read your writing and ask, “so what?” Can the reader understand the sentence, paragraph, or page? Does it make sense? Does it provide value? Are they learning, informed, or educated?

6. Avoid Adverbs

Clear writing is strong writing. If you see an adverb in your copy, cut it. It’s lazy. And they make your copy feel timid. You’re showcasing your product -- be bold.

7. Be Objective

Subjective writing lacks facts and data. They’re supported by points of view and observations. Objective writing injects confidence. Confidence that you deliver on your promises.

8. Cut Acronyms and Jargon

Use an acronym or jargon a customer doesn’t understand and you’ll lose them. Write like you’re trying to explain something to your 10-year old cousin… Not like you’re trying to impress your high school crush.

9. Use Subject-Verb-Object Sentences

Use this sentence structure to be clear:
  • Who/what are you writing about.
  • What did they do.
  • What was acted on.

10. Focus on one idea

Each Apple headline focuses on one idea. It draws all attention and awareness to that benefit. By keeping the focus on one idea, Apple is able to communicate its message effectively.

11. Write for scanners

76% of website goers are scanners. Apple follows three rules when writing for this:
  • Big headlines to showcase one idea
  • Use sub-headlines to entice scanners to read
  • Use the inverted pyramid for paragraphs (biggest benefit to smallest)

12. Write also for readers

The majority of visitors will be scanners. But write for the readers too. Apple makes reading their copy effortless. They use short paragraphs. Short sentences. And simple words.

13. Short and broken sentences

Many times you’ll notice Apple starting sentences with “and” or “but.”Sure, it’s not traditional. But, it’s easier to read. Easier to understand. And makes digging through sales copy a breeze. Their goal is to get visitors to keep reading.

14. Address problems

Apple presents its features as solutions to your problem. For example, iPhones' new night mode is a feature. They present it as a solution to a problem. Terrible shots at night? Now you can shoot “portraits that come out at night.”

15. Share the details

Apple shows out too. Most of their copy is simple and easy to understand. But when they get into the nitty-gritty, they’re trying to impress you. Breaking down the technical details solidifies them as an expert. It builds confidence in their products. And is convincing. Even if you don’t know wtf an “A14 Bionic Chip” is.26100

16. Use analogies

Analogies help connect something complicated with something known. When you’re presented with something complicated to explain — present the reader with an analogy to make it easy to understand. Here’s how Apple did it:
Use analogies in your copy for SaaS.
Use analogies in your copy for SaaS.

17. Address objections

Anticipate consumer's objections. And one by one, address them. This will reassure buyers that they’re making the right decision. iPhone users complain about breaking their screen. Apple presents its new screen with “tougher than any smartphone glass.”
Address objections in your copy for SaaS.
Address objections in your copy for SaaS.

18. Compare to upsell

Anytime Apple releases a new product, they compare it to the previous one. Why? Apple users tend to want the next best thing. By constantly comparing the features and upgrades, they make a case for the new product being better. This makes an easy upsell.

19. Use power words

Power words like “you, your, imagine, new” are used frequently throughout their sales copy. Power words help the consumer picture themself with the product. Apple used the words “you” and “your” 110 times in their copy for the iPhone 5.
By the way, here is a list of 800+ power words you can leverage for your copy

20. Rhyme

Apple’s copy work is an art. In many ways Apple’s copy is poetic. They use rhymes to make their copy smooth. Plus, it makes copy very easy to remember.
Rhyme your copy for SaaS.
Rhyme your copy for SaaS.

21. Alliteration

Alliteration is the repeat of initial consonants. It’s another form of rhyme sometimes called head rhyme. Apple uses it to address important points.
For example: “A display that’s not just smaller. It’s smarter.”

22. Repetition

Apple re-uses a word in the same sentence to add an emphasis. Again, the repetition illustrates an emphasis of “X”. For example: "And because it’s so easy to use, it’s easy to love."
See the word easy there?
Alex Garcia shares 7 more tips from the legendary copywriter David Oglivy

23. Learn Who You're Writing For

“The consumer isn't a moron. She is your wife." Your copy should touch on:
  • Who you’re writing for
  • How that person thinks
  • What that person needs
Let research shape your copy. Let your voice fuel it.

24. Know The Product

“Big ideas come from the unconscious...But your unconscious has to be well informed, or your idea will be irrelevant.” Learn every detail about the product/industry/audience before you write. Then unleash your unconscious mind and fuel the big ideas.

25. Nail The Headline

“On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” Deadlines determine if the consumer’s interest is piqued enough to read the copy.

26. Get Specific

"The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be." Most people won't make decisions without being informed. The informed, act. The specifics will give consumers the confidence that acting is the right choice.

27. Write For One

Your ads may reach millions of people, but each person is alone with your words. Don't write for the masses. Write for that one person. Ogilvy would pretend he was writing personal letters to the consumer. This would help him write more direct.

28. Write Like You Talk

Good copy feels like a conversation between two people. Don’t be the copywriter who writes useless jargon to look top-notch. Consumers can smell the BS. Write like you talk. Use a relaxed tone. This will result in easy reading and an engaged reader.

29. Keep It Simple

Fancy words that you can’t pronounce do nothing but confuse consumers. And confused consumers won’t convert. Good copy comes down to conveying your points briefly and with as few words as possible. The key is saying more with less.
Alex shares 7 more copywriting tips to write compelling stories
Compelling copy combined with good storytelling is an unfair advantage. An unfair advantage that the Wall Street Journal used to drive $2 Billion in revenue over 28 years using the same sales letter.

30. Use Familiar Words

Every audience has words familiar to their interests. Injecting these words into your stories connects the familiarity gap. And unfamiliar words create seclusion. Gary Provost with a great example:
notion image

31. Inject Real Stories

Your story is your social proof. The more a consumer can see that you were once in their shoes, the more that consumer will see you as the guide they’ve been looking for. Customers want to know you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.

32. Your Brand Isn’t The Hero

The customer is always the hero. And their goal is the destination. Your brand provides the map. The visualization from start to destination is how you sell them.

33. Use Emotional Tones

Emotions are your best friend. They’re what get people to take action. And the best writers use emotional tones to transfer information through characters, plots, and conclusions.

34. Narrative Urgency

Compelling writing is like a river flowing. Its flow continues with no wasted movement. Your story is no different. Cut everything that doesn’t move the story forward. And aim to propel the readers from sentence to sentence.

35. Pace

A story with no pace is dead on a page. And your punctuation is where it lies. Speed things up with short sentences. Use long-winded sentences to propel the reader into a 400M dash with hurdles they’re prepared to overcome. Gary Provost with the breakdown:
Write your copy like a story for SaaS.
Write your copy like a story for SaaS.

36. Curiosity Traps

There’s something that always traps a reader’s attention. Some say it kills cats. Copywriters know it as a curiosity trap. Curiosity traps induce readers and then create a gap. This gap is your opportunity.
Alex and Blake have some more tips:

37. Repeat Yourself

Reason: Your main benefit shouldn’t be expressed subtly. Repeat it three times. Make it known. Example: Apple’s M1 Chip

38. Start with goals for the copy.

Reason: You need to know what you are writing, for whom, and what action it should lead to. No guesswork.

39. Use Open Loops

Open loops peak a reader's interest by presenting an unsolved mystery to the reader.
Our brains are hardwired to find closure. Make your product the final closure.
Example: Woody Justice

40. Write short, snappy sentences.

Reason: People have short attention spans. And big blocks of text are super hard to read. Make it short.

41. Replace Weasel Words With Promises

Reason: Words like may, can, hope, could, leave doubt in a reader's mind. You want readers to feel confident in their decisions. Use words like will, can, and do.

42. Start with an engaging hook.

Reason: The purpose of every sentence is to get readers to check out the next. A proper hook engages the reader immediately and piques curiosity.

43. Optimize for clarity.

Reason: Clear writing beats clever writing every single time. People want to understand and then be delighted, not the other way around. Example: Be concise chart

44. Use Opposites

Reason: They say opposites attract. The same goes for copy. Opposites are a powerful way to get someone's attention. Example: Stella Artois

45. Start in the middle of the story.

Reason: Begin with action. Don’t wait to excite and delight the reader until it’s too late.

46. Use an active voice

Using an active voice illustrates taking action. And your goal is to make consumers take action. Writing with an active voice delivers a direct, strong, and punchy message.
Example: Nike

47. Talk about them, not you.

People don’t care about you. They care about what you can do for them. Make that benefit abundantly clear.

48. Add humor

Reason: People share humorous content. The more you can make someone laugh, the more your messaging will spread. Plus, it’s memorable. Example: Daihatsu

49. Don’t be guided by grammar.

Focus on clear messaging and engaging storytelling more than grammar. This will create more connection with the reader than perfect sentence structure ever will.

50. Use format pattern interrupts.

Unique formatting can be a huge advantage. Words matter most, but format counts, too. Write in formats that help you stand out. Example: RX Bars copy on product packaging

51. Say more with less

The more value you can pack in shorter sentences, the better. It’s easier for the brain to digest and remember. Example: Apple (again)

52. Write 20% of the time, edit 80% of the time.

Vigilant editing is rewriting are the true mark of a great writer. The magic rarely happens in the first draft. Here is a link to edit your copy: masterclass.com

53. Brain dump before anything else.

Getting all ideas on paper first helps organize the whole process. Then, build an outline. Next, write the sections. Finally, put it all together.

54. Pass the Friend Test.

It helps you write great copy.
1) Write 10 variants of a headline.
2) Send it to some friends and just ask them to read them.
3) Wait 24 hours and follow up.
4) The variant most remembered by that group is your headline.

55. Pass the Voice Test

You don’t want to sound like a robot. Here’s how:
1) Read your written copy out loud.
2) If it sounds robotic or boring, rewrite it
Helper: Just say it out loud! No secret sauce here.

56. Focus on feeling over selling.

Refrain from pushing sales explicitly, and focus instead on helping the reader feel a strong emotion or connection.

57. Be Honest

You want consumers to trust you. Being honest breaks the barrier between a business and a customer. Let them know it’s still people behind the words.
Be honest in your copy for SaaS.
Be honest in your copy for SaaS.

58. Minimize risk.

Make the requirements to get the solution seem smaller. Example: $5 fee from Copyblogger
George Ten shares 5 tips to spark an emotion in your copy

59. Don’t make the person think:

If you’re asking a question… make sure there’s only ONE answer that comes to mind. And that answer is YES.
Example? “Wanna triple your income?”
YES. But why…? Because if I ask you “how do you triple your income?” Your mind stars wandering. You’re focused on anything BUT my sales page. Not good. Right?

60. Make a person imagine

When you imagine - details don’t matter. There’s no logic. How do you spark the imagination? Use VIVID details that are associated with FEELINGS. How? Use “sensory words”.
There are 5 sensory types associated with the 5 senses:
  • Sight
  • Touch
  • Hearing
  • Taste & Smell
  • Motion
And I’ve used most of them in that tweet we’ve broken down. Seems familiar?
Now…Here are some examples of sensory words.
  • Gigantic
  • GlitterShiny
  • Glowing
  • Dull
  • Vibrant
  • Shadowy Etc.
  • Fluffy
  • Slimy
  • Hairy
  • Crisp
  • Sticky
  • Rough
  • Smooth Etc.
  • Buzz
  • Boom
  • Crunchy
  • Snappy
  • Humming Etc.
Taste & smell:
  • Rotten
  • Sweet
  • Bitter
  • Spicy
  • Yummy
  • Fragrant Etc.
  • Soaring
  • Choppy
  • Paralyzed
  • Blown away
  • Eye-popping
  • Shocking Etc.

61. Create desire to buy

What does that mean? Use benefits. Let’s say you wrote “financial freedom” on your sales page. Here’s the problem: “financial freedom” means nothing. I can’t feel or imagine it…
Unless…You DESCRIBE it to me. How do you do that? You ask yourself: “What does that look like?”
  • Be able to wake up whenever you want without having to explain to anybody anything.
Better. But…
What if you add some sensory words to it?
  • Be able to wake up in a soft bed made of the silkiest material and hear the soft buzzing of birds…

62. Tell a story

Why? Because there’s very little resistance when you’re telling a story. Your reader can imagine a story. And if it’s written well… Your reader can also FEEL what the hero feels…That’s why… When writing stories there’s one important thing to know.
Actually two.
  • Make it relatable
  • Focus on describing the details
You see…The story should start where your reader is…And lead the reader through his own obstacles…To where he wants to be.And…When writing stories…Don’t focus on WHAT happened…Focus on THE DETAILS of what happened.More specifically…How the hero FELT when what happened - happened. Go deep into detail. Dig into strong feelings like pain.
Makes sense?
Beer Kwantes curated some more tips:

63. Write easy and effective headlines

He quotes Andrew’s copywriting tip for headlines
For an easy and effective headline...
Simply state the problem you solve as a question.
For example:
  • Hard Drive Crashed?
  • Copy Not Converting?
  • Feeling Tired All Day?
It's short, direct, and attention-grabbing.

64. Add urgency to create demand

He quotes Jake Victor’s tip
Add urgency in your copy by showcasing demand.
Let the audience see how many people are clamoring for your offer
❌ Join my email list
✅ Join 2,400 marketers receiving fresh marketing strategies daily.
This also serves as social proof.

65. Sometimes, be negative

Instead of saying "Tips to scale your brand"
Say "Top blunders that are hurting your business"

66. Sell the outcome, not the tool

❌ “I am a web developer.”
✅ “I help nutritionists get more clients.”
✅ “I help course creators sell more courses.”
✅ “I help dentists get more patients.”
Sell the OUTCOME.
Not the tool.
He quotes Diego's tip

67. Have CTA as part of your copy

Just your friendly reminder that your CTA is part of the copy.
Get Instant Access And All Other Bonuses Yes! Start FREE Trial Now! Click Here To Get [product] For Only $X
Got it?
He quotes Steve’s tip

68. Address common objections with click triggers

Position click triggers near your call-to-action buttons.
They influence your prospects' actions more than you think.
Here are some click triggers:
  • No Credit Card required.
  • Free Shipping.
  • No commitment.
  • Sign up in seconds.
Pro-tip: Address user objections and common doubts next to your CTA.
He quotes Kjell’s tweet

69. Your buyers are not always the users

Think about candy. Most consumers are kids but the buyers are parents. Who are you going to address?
Same with SaaS products:
Are you going to address the user?
» Save time
Or their boss?
» Make more profit
He quotes Kap’s tweet

70. Sell the outcome

With Marketing, sell the outcome:
❌ Build Website ✅ Branding real estate with high conversions
❌ Copywriting ✅ Convert visitors at double your rate
❌Marketing ✅Grow an engaged community
Stop selling the process
Start selling the end-result.
He quotes Chase’s tip:

71. Use your customers’ words

Use your customers' words in your copy. People buy from people who sound like them.

72. Ditch the semicolon

It halts the flow of your copy...And you don't need it. If a sentence needs you to use it — divide it into two shorter ones. Or...Replace it with an ellipsis. It helps you transition better.

73. Ellipsis are powerful

Use the ellipsis (…) where possible. Why? Because it’s a great visual indicator, telling readers scanners...“You can take a breath here… and here… and here.” And because it lures your reader from line to line...Pulling them down the page...Simply by virtue of the fact that we... As readers are trained to believe “…” equals “unfinished thought...It teases us..We follow it until we reach the final punctuation mark. And, by then, we've actually read your copy.
Beer kwantes compiles an insightful thread of the best copywriting tips

74. Digits or Letters?

Here's a simple rule of thumb. For example, do you write 7 or seven? Here's a simple rule of thumb: If you want the number to stand out use digits (7). If you don't then write it out (seven).

75. Prevent sounding "Corporate”

You're > You are
I'm > I am
I've > I have
They're > They are
The less corporate you sound, the more your readers will engage.
Human > Business

76. Replace generic terms with culture icons

Why? It allows you to build trust through association. Reference pop culture icons instead of general terms.
  • "Starbucks" instead of "coffee"
  • "Rolex" instead of "watches"
  • "Netflix" instead of "TV"

77. Objections are opportunities

Write down your customer's objections. All of them. Then turn them into selling points.
Example: "Why is it so cheap?" Turns into "No more middleman. Just no-bs wholesale prices." Objections are opportunities. Never forget that.

78. Don't assume that your readers know

One mistake new copywriters make in their copy: Assumptions.
Let's take some examples:
❌ As you already know, every man over 30 has...
❌ You are well aware that the skin...
If you're going to tell your readers something...
Do that without assuming they already know.

79. Stop using "Call to Actions”

Instead..Start using "Call to Values" Replace your "call to action" with a "call to value." A call to action simply directs a reader to take an action. "Sign up"... "Buy now."
However- a call to value emphasizes on the value you offer a reader. It reminds them of the benefits they get and. Reassures them that your offer will improve their lives. Something a good old simple call to action cannot.
Here's an example: Let's say you want people to sign up for your email list...And you're offering them a free e-book to be sent to their email once they sign up. A call to action would be..."Sign up now." Whereas a call to value would be..."Send me my free e-book." People want to know they'll benefit from your offer. Remind them.

80. Sincerity sells. Don't overdo it

Create your copy with sincerity for SaaS.
Create your copy with sincerity for SaaS.

81. Prove that you understand THEIR pain.

Find the problem, address the symptoms i.e “Fed up being overweight?” Is too vague.
What are SYMPTOMS of being overweight? i.e “Fed up getting out of breath when you climb the stairs?” Prove you understand the pain, Offer to solve it, Get paid

82. Write your copy with a flow

Bad copy is like a first date—
Full of awkward pauses
To make your writing flow:
  • Read aloud
  • Use ellipses
  • Add bucket brigades
  • Keep paragraphs short
  • Vary sentence structure
  • Apply smooth transitions
  • Start sentences with And & But

83. First use short teases that lead into the next paragraph.

Instead of ending your paragraphs as normal, finish with a short tease that gives your prospects a reason to keep reading.
Example :
"Then here's how you do it."
"Let me explain."
"For example..."
“Now here comes the good part.”
"But that's not all."
Each one gave you a reason to keep reading.
They minimized the chance of you leaving the thread.
Though you don't want to use them in every single paragraph.
Or it can get tiring for your reader.
Instead you want to use them:
  • When you're switching between ideas.
  • To help speed up slower sections of your copy.
  • And towards the start of your copy to help build momentum.

84. Bucket Brigade Technique

Then smooth out the start of each paragraph.
It means a chain of people who move items by passing them from one to another.
And before fire engines it was used to get buckets of water to a blaze.
In copywriting it refers to...
Words and short phrases you use at the start of your paragraphs.
The idea being they make the transition from one paragraph to another seamless.
Examples of the bucket brigade:
Look First Listen By now You see Truth is Turns out Of course
  • The bucket brigade are words and short phrases such as "And" and "So".
  • You use them at the start of your paragraphs.
  • And they help make the transition into a new paragraph seamless.
  • Combine them with seeds of curiosity to propel your reader through your copy.

85. Advanced bucket brigade technique

Next we can build on the above with a couple of advanced variations.
First up:
The language of logic...
This is where you don't just smooth the transition between paragraphs.
You make the connection between them crystal clear.
And you do this by using words and short phrases like:
  • Now that
  • This means
  • Here's why
  • As a result of
  • For this reason
  • And this explains
Now you're not only smoothing out the writing...
You're also smoothing out the ideas in the writing.
Which is much more powerful.
Moving on to the second variation...
This is a more advanced technique known as:
Balanced connectives.
And like the language of logic it's a way of connecting your ideas.
Essentially it's a double bucket brigade.
You use one word or short phrase in one sentence.
And then use a mirroring word or short phrase in the next sentence.
Examples include:
  • As... as...
  • Either... or...
  • Just as... so to...
  • Not only... but also...
  • In that case... but in this case...
To make it clear, here it is in action:
"Now you're not only smoothing out the writing...
You're also smoothing out the ideas in the writing."
See how well that flows?
It uses the double bucket brigade of:
"Now you're not only"
"You're also"
So to sum up...
To show your ideas are connected...
And to make the connection silky smooth you can :
  • Use the language of logic.
  • And use a double bucket brigade.
Though don't force the double bucket brigade or it'll backfire.
And you'll end up with something messy and hard to follow.

86. Repeat your words with a flow

And then we can use a more sophisticated word repeating technique so you don't have to rely on stock phrases.
I break it down here:
A technique used by professional writers.
But often overlooked by copywriters.
It's simple to use.
EAnd just like a stutter it's all about repeating yourself.
Here's how it works:
You repeat a word, phrase, or idea... From the final sentence of one paragraph... Into the first sentence of the next paragraph.
For example:
"Now we're going to look at a more sophisticated transition technique.
A technique used by professional writers."
Note how seamlessly it flows because I repeated "technique".
It's smoother than if I'd used the bucket brigade.
And it also means...
You don't have to rely on the same few stock words and phrases to open your paragraphs.
As they can make your copy sound tired and generic.
So to sum up...
Give your copy a stutter:
  • At the start of a new paragraph...
  • See if you can use a word, phrase, or idea from the end of the previous paragraph.
  • And it'll make the transition between them buttery smooth

87. Learn Your ABCs

Finally we can take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and make sure each idea in the copy flows into the next one.
You know your ABCs, right?
A.. B.. C.. D.. E..
And so on.
One letter follows another in an order we all understand.
Let's see what happens if I break that order:
A... T... Z... D... Q...
Now it's confusing.
It's still five letters from the alphabet but it's lost all meaning.
And here's how that applies to your copy
When your prospects start reading your copy...
They expect one point to lead to the next point.
Like the alphabet, they want:
Point A To lead to... Point B To lead to... Point C And so on.
And if it doesn't...
If point A jumps straight to point F...
You'll confuse them...
And if you confuse them...
They'll stop reading meaning they won't buy.
For example:
If you write about energy price rises.
And then go into cryptocurrency...
You've not made any connection between the points.
And you're going to lose your readers.
But if you...
Write about:
  • Energy price rises.
  • Price rises in general.
  • Inflation.
  • The need to beat inflation.
  • And only then introduce crypto.
Now each point flows into the next point.
And not only have you...
Built a slippery slide for your reader.
You've also constructed a compelling sales argument.
So to sum up...
Make sure:
  • You treat your copy like your ABCs.
  • Each point connects to the next.
  • And you don't skip any points.
To help with this, I always outline my copy before I write it.
That way I can make sure I'm not missing any points.

88. Read copy out loud

"The idea is to read it out loud, as if you were talking to a guy sitting next to you at the bar" Why? It is a great way to ensure FLOW in your copy.

89. A copy hack to improve

Record yourself reading your copy and fix the spots where you stumble.

90. Humanize your copywriting process

Make your copy relatable just by writing like how you talk to people in your everyday life
Don’t write like a robot 🤖
Construct your writing flow keep it short easy and concise..
That’s how you convert every minute of the day.

91. Write emotional copy

That bypasses logic…
And speaks directly to the right brain…
While painting a vivid picture and flaming the reader’s desire to buy?
Here’s how...
Imagine this:
You’ve built a sales page. Finally. Sweat is dropping from your forehead onto the keyboard…
It was an exhausting process.
But… You can finally hit that sweet “publish” button.
And boom! It flops.
“Stinky product…!” — you whisper to yourself… Again…
Ignore the message. Focus on the feeling. The emotions you felt. I bet they were strong. And negative. But why? Because I didn’t talk to your logic. I made you FEEL. Read the previous tweet again. 0 Facts. 100% emotions.

92. Smooth Transition

It is one of the most un-talked branch of writing copy
Most copywriters focus on :
  • A terrific hook
  • A killer CTA
But if your transitioning skills are on point the customer will read your copy in an uninterrupted flow
Will lead to more conversions..

93. Build a Feature -> Benefit -> Deeper Benefit

This makes your copy flow effortlessly.
Build a Feature -> Benefit -> Deeper Benefit table.
Write your copy from a deeper benefit for SaaS.
Write your copy from a deeper benefit for SaaS.

94. Hypnosis

Words and phrases like
  • “While” to define 2 things that are related
  • “Because” to give relationship
  • “As” “When”
  • “And” “but” “even as” “yes and…"
  • “As you do ___, it is possible __ -> the 2 blacks are a relationship
  • “And you are here because you want to ______"
  • “And as"
  • “ Simply allow”
  • “ Any they will"
  • “And as you notice those"
They all help avoid disjunction around the message you are attempting to get across.

95. Copy flow like a song

Using all short, choppy sentences doesn't always make your copy better. Writing should flow like song lyrics. Short, long, and medium-length sentences strung together in harmony are better because people don't use limiting structures when they think. This tweet is an example.

96. Conversational copy

1. Ditch the adverbs 2. Don’t talk at the reader 3. Include “your” and “you” 4. Speak in your customer's tone 5. Use “But” and “And” to make it flow.

97. Sign of a good copy

Great copy flow like melted chocolate poured over a cake.
The words run through your eyes, into your brain, down to your heart, and right into your wallet.

98. As a consumer, it is a Yes or No

Andrew Barry writes:
You're on the website of something you want to buy
You get a feeling
Your decision to buy rests largely on that feeling
What is that feeling?
How, as the copywriter, can we harness this?
For me, the feeling is pretty binary.
Either my heart sings, "this is for me, I know, like and trust this person/brand".
Or I'm turned off, "something isn't right here, it feels like I've read this schtick before"
Too often I'll rationalize it away, and be disappointed.
As a consumer, I've learned to trust that feeling.
It's hard to pinpoint exactly where it comes from - it's a whole feeling, no single thing
This makes it incredibly hard when you're the person writing the copy.
To help with this conundrum, I think of it like this:
if you write from your heart, if you write authentically, then people will feel it.
It won't be for everyone
Often, it's the act of trying to please a broad spectrum that defeats authenticity
But for those for which it sings, they'll be your biggest fans.
The challenge, therefore, for writers:
how do you pour your soul out in words, such that a reader is confronted with a stark choice
~ do I like this or do I not? ~
Because anything in between is death for the dreams of the writer.

99. Leave at least 24 hours between initial draft and rewriting

While writing, you're so close to the content that you can lose track of how it reads big picture
In 24 hours come back with fresh eyes and make it better

100. "Above the fold" (ATF) section

It is the part of your site that's immediately visible before scrolling.
When visitors see this, they decide to either keep scrolling or bounce.
In seconds, they attempt to assess:
  • What you do. • Whether you're a fit for them

101. If your ATF is confusing or uninteresting, visitors bounce.

This happens because of:
  1. Weak messaging: Your product's purpose is unclear, uninteresting, or irrelevant.
  1. Weak design: Your design is unprofessional or outdated.

There are 3 things you can change on your ATF.

  1. Header
  1. Subheader
  1. Design

102. To express value, sharpen your value proposition

  1. What bad alternative do people resort to when they lack your product?
  1. How is your product better than the bad alternative?
  1. Now turn the last step into an action statement—that's your value prop
Examples from top startups:
Copywriting examples from top SaaS startups.
Copywriting examples from top SaaS startups.

103. Add a hook to the value proposition

  1. Either a bold claim: Something highly specific that triggers the thought, "Wow, I didn't know that was possible."
Add a hook to the value proposition in your copy for SaaS.
Add a hook to the value proposition in your copy for SaaS.
  1. Or address likely objections. (Examples on right.)
Address likely objections in your copy for SaaS.
Address likely objections in your copy for SaaS.

104. Address your value prop to the right audience.

List out your top 2-3 customer personas.
  • Rewrite your headers to speak to them—in their language.
  • Choose the header that best addresses your key audience, or create a landing page for each persona.
Address your company’s value proposition in your copy for SaaS.
Address your company’s value proposition in your copy for SaaS.

105. Your sub-header should expand on these two things:

1. How does our product work *exactly*?
2. Which of our features make our header's bold claim believable?

Here's how you do it:

  • Rewrite your sub-header to explain how the claim in your header is achieved. • Add the top 2-3 features of your product. • Keep it brief. Lengthy paragraphs kill momentum.
Write your header and sub-header with company value proposition in your copy for SaaS.
Write your header and sub-header with company value proposition in your copy for SaaS.

106. Design

A landing page's design should rarely be unique. It's your product that should be unique.
Your page is just a familiar medium for communicating your product's uniqueness.

107. Images

Consider these goals when adding images:
  • Remove uncertainty by showing the product in action. (Hellosign uses a GIF to show the product.) • If you sell physical goods, 1) show off the various use cases and 2) show close-ups of the build quality (e.g. Allbirds)
Add images that complement your copy for your SaaS.
Add images that complement your copy for your SaaS.
Add relevant images that complement your copy for your SaaS.
Add relevant images that complement your copy for your SaaS.

108. CTAs

CTAs should be continuations of the magic teased in the header copy.
It feels natural to click these CTAs because they help the visitor continue the narrative you kicked off.
Add CTA as a continuation from your header in your copy for your SaaS.
Add CTA as a continuation from your header in your copy for your SaaS.

109. Take from your competition

Become the James Bond of copywriting…
Using a sneaky little trick… Which includes…
  • Stealing • Copying • Bashing
Without feeling guilty.
You probably already know the saying…
New copywriters write.
While experienced copywriters assemble.
Even experienced copywriters get this wrong more often than they’d like to admit.
And it all starts with one word:

110. Don’t write. Steal.

If you ask a newbie what competition is?
You’ll get a danger sign blipping in their brain.
For them? Competition = red ocean = stay away
But… They don’t even understand competition.
Hell. They can’t even say who their competitors are.
Let’s try. Pop quiz:
You’re selling a stock market investment course.
I am selling a copywriting course.
Are we competitors?
If you answered no - you don’t understand competition.
If you answered yes - it’s because you’re intelligent and guessed where this is going.
The answer is: it depends.
If you’re selling a stock market course…
You are not my competitor if you’re selling long-term investments.
You are my competitor if you’re selling day trading.
See why?

111. Direct vs. Indirect competition

There are two types of competitors.
Direct. …and… Indirect.
Direct competitors are those are are selling THE SAME solution to THE SAME market with the same end goal.
Indirect competitors are selling DIFFERENT solutions to the same market with the same end goal.
If you’re selling day trading - you’re selling to an audience who wants to make money actively.
I am selling copywriting - to an audience who wants to make money actively.
We are competitors. Indirect competitors.
So here’s the sneaky trick…
When people are researching their target market’s problems and pain points…
And they’re looking at possible solutions to those…
And looking for possible products or services…
They’re looking at DIRECT competition.
And that’s a problem. Here’s why:
The best copywriters in the world don’t write. They steal.
If you steal from a direct competitor you’ll get into trouble.
It will be obvious. And your name will be ruined.
But if you steal from indirect competitors…
You’re golden. Most copywriters do.
This is me saying to you: You can steal. You’re allowed to.
But under two conditions:
  1. You steal from indirect competitors.
  1. You steal one-two-three elements from each.
You don’t copy-paste their whole sales page.
If you can do that? you just got a license to steal. And…
Once you know indirect competition…
You can do more.
  • steal their elements • learn about your market’s pain • understand price points • see which sales formats sell best • get ideas for product angles • steal their ads • steal their emails • steal upsells
Etc. But…
The real juice is what you can do with direct competition…
Here are two tricks. One to use as a growth hack for yourself…
And the other one is to bury them under 50 feet of dirt.
Let’s begin:

112. Use the Bashing Technique.

Understand this. If there’s a big competitor in your market…
It means 2 things:
  1. Everything knows him.
  1. Everyone has tried or heard of someone trying their products.
That’s a disadvantage for you. But you can turn it into an advantage
Here’s a fun statistic for you: Most people fail.
At everything.
Most people fail at marriage. At marketing. At copywriting. At investing. At EVERYTHING.
So… Let’s get the big guy to take the blame. Why not? :)
All you have to do… To get attention… And to grow…
Is to throw rocks at your biggest competitor.
Bash him.
His technique. His product.
But be smart. Don’t say his name.
Just explain why his technique or method is an old method.
Or that it doesn’t work for everyone.
Or that it’s too expensive. Etc…
And since people are looking for who to blame…
For their failures and insecurities…
They’ll be happy to jump on the train with you.
And viola - you have one of the strongest elements in persuasion.
It’s called: “us vs them”.
But here’s how to completely kill competition:

113. The Steal-n’-Kill

Your competitor has a product. Good.
Can you get your hands on his product? Sure you can.
So.. What if… God. This is crazy… Are you ready?
What if…
You could build a similar product to his…
You offer his product (which you’ve built yourself)… For free… As a bonus… To those you buy your product? What would that do to your competition? Convert them into a different religion every Thursday because they won’t know who to pray to. That’s what.
And also… Don’t forget…
Competition is good. Competition means there’s a market.
And also… competitors are great to collaborate with.
Big guys are always looking for more offers for their buyers.
Those can be your offers.
Don’t think competition is bad. It’s amazing…