9 Steps to Create TikTok Landing Page for your SaaS (The Complete Guide)
Note: SaaSwrites is a curated growth marketing hub and resource built to help SaaS founders grow their products. We sincerely thank all our experts for their constant value addition to this world.
Updated: 02/04/2022
Landing Page Bro helps you level up your landing pages to attract an insane amount of audience.
TikTok is of course a mobile platform so don’t even worry about the desktop. Make sure it’s 100% mobile optimized to the MAX, no need for desktop designs. Hit the mobile phones with all you got.
It’s safe to assume, that anybody who takes the giant effort to stop mass-consuming content to visit your store, won’t stay there for too long (check average session length to find out), 25 seconds is what you got.
In that case, you can only imagine how big of a waste sending prospects to collection pages or home pages is. You’re not here to play in a shopping mall. Customers don’t come to you to wander around the store and MAYBE find something they like. It’s not Saturday afternoon.
They want to be sold and it has to happen fast. There needs to be ACTION. And how can you be faster, make the shopping experience more engaging, and, in effect, sell quicker?
The mobile TikTok landing pages built by Landing Page Bro at landingpagebros.com does the required. They combine a concise, easy-to-digest layout with, well let’s call it “some innovative stuff” for the sake of simplicity.
This layout can be applied to any product and you can swap out a few sections depending on what you need. Remember: Use short-form, scannable content that’s super easy to understand, the more lifestyle photos the better, keep colors and the messaging enthusiastic.
Also, one huge advantage of this page is that it’s animated (the user needs to scroll and the elements just pop up - people will always scroll to the bottom because it’s an entirely new experience)
1. Hero
Easy to understand & relatable headline, 3 bullet points, and an offer, some sort of a WOW factor that triggers the action. I’d also suggest adding a scroll incentive into this
2. Social Proof
Couple testimonials right off the bat to make customers feel they’re in the right place. It plays out with the TikTok narrative really well, you can insert influencer quotes and photos
3. Benefits/Value Propositions
Everyone will ask: “What’s in it for me?”. The answer to this question has to be obvious while scrolling through the page. Use icons/lifestyle images with short descriptions.
4. More about the product
On top of the value propositions, you can add some facts about your product or brand. Try a numbered list like X reasons why, if you think it fits.
5. Comparison
Save people time searching for similar products. If it's clearly so much better, why not give it a shot - one should think... *goes to checkout*
6. More social proof
More social proof will never hurt, especially on TikTok. Leverage all you got, customer reviews, influencer quotes, experts’ opinions, or media features. Make it look like your product is being TALKED ABOUT. Because it is, right?
7. Guarantee
While shopping two things have to be clear - the shipping costs and the return policy. Make sure you display this information on your mobile page and you're officially ready for orders
8. FAQ
Want to make something straight before the questions even pop up? Use a short FAQ at the bottom for those who might want to ask a thing or two
9. Final CTA
Finally a call to action at the bottom, Now this section’s content can differ so use your best judgment. A limited-time offer banner is what I’d go for most of the time
It takes less than 25 seconds to scroll and one click of a button to go to the checkout
If you’re looking for TikTok landing pages for your brand hit me up, we want to be the leaders in this space and help you become the leader on TikTok.